One2One Sessions

Free Your True Self

And Enjoy Life Deeply

Starting Right Now!

How Would It Feel To Live Your Authentic, Confident Self, Full Of Energy, Calm, Nourished, Happy, Playful With A Meaningful Existence?

I am here to help you achieve this! In my unique therapeutic approach, I combine therapy, art and activism to guide you to your self-healing path with empathetic awareness and playfulness.

The good news is that therapy can be also fun!

When we realise the gift of life we have an unlimited source of power to heal ourselves and enjoy life.

Please be aware that the self-healing path lasts forever and needs your time, attention and intention.

Here’s the thing: You deserve to live an amazing life – starting right now!

And The Great News Is: You Can! 


My unique & holistic approach will give you the support you need to heal your wounds, discover your true self, & learn how to support yourself in your everyday life, so you can create the new lifestyle you want for good!

The results last forever since not only I will support you in your inner journey, plus I will teach you how to balance & heal yourself as an everyday practice!

Also, the life-lasting results come from my unique approach to combine our body & mind based awareness process with what happens in our personal relationships, with a clear perspective in the world we live in.

Your problems are not individually created, we all suffer living in this unjust world, and accepting this as a base is a life-changing experience!


We can’t heal our problem if we don’t find the root of it, and the root is growing up in an environment that lacks what we mostly need as humans; love, care, acceptance, respect, and freedom; exactly the one we will create in our sessions to support you.


Working with me you will learn how to

Believe in yourself

Trust & hear yourself

Be your true self & enjoy life

Start your fulfilling self-discovery path now. Being true to yourself is the best choice you will ever make in life.

I will teach you to enjoy yourself with clarity, empathy, acceptance. Playfulness & creativity. We need you to come out truly here & now.

Maira Kountanni
Maira Kountanni

Let me ask you something about you:

Do you enjoy your everyday life as it comes free of control and expectations for the unknown?

Be honest here, do you find it hard to enjoy your life as it is?

Tell me, do you even feel disappointed with your life?

Let’s get specific here, are you afraid that your personal or your professional life, or both, is not what you want?

Let’s get some clarity here, are you afraid that you don’t deserve what you desire for your life or, are you afraid to get what you deserve in this life?

What if you absolutely knew that you can feel accepted, confident, supported to be who you really are starting today?


If you feel ready to get the support you need to value yourself & enjoy your life deeply starting today then join me for the program of the one2one sessions that I offer exclusively for motivated persons like you!

Book your first session with me & learn how to build your self-value, life purpose & deep enjoyment exactly as you are today!

Who said that therapy can’t be fun, satisfying & fulfilling from the first day?

Do you want to be free and enjoy your life fully starting right here and now?


Book your first session with me & start building your self-value and life enjoyment exactly from where you are today!


Enter your name and email to get instant access to the free guide.

Thank you!