Empower Yourself To Heal The World
Healing Yourself Contributes To A Better World (Starting Today)!
We need to be strong & whole for a harmonic life on planet earth!
We need each other to enjoy life. By collectively healing & empowering one another we can stop the suffering from all kinds of oppression!
Do you feel a lack of energy & power to do what feels good for you?
Are you depressed & angry & you think it is your personal problem?
Do you feel helpless in your everyday life & you think you are alone with this?
Are you aware of the injustice & violence in our societies & you don’t know how to act about it?
Do you think you are powerless & you wish to get your full power back?
Then keep on reading!
We are born in relationships, we grow & live all our lives in relationships & we learn about ourselves thanks to them.
As humans, we need others to remain alive, find our value and connect with our true selves.
We don’t exist without the others & the environment & so we never stop interacting with them.
The way we are & act in our everyday life is connected with how we relate with others.
It is a direct result of how others welcomed us in this world & the environment we grew up in.
When we live in a loving environment we feel free to show OUR TRUE SELVES & develop our skills & loving attitude!
Unfortunately, many of us grew up in unsupportive conditions.
If we want to break the circle of not supporting or even sabotaging ourselves and others we need to start at the root – our society.
Our troubles are not just our faults, but a social structure. We don’t live in a society where everyone is equal and enjoys equal privileges and access to basic needs, education, cultural activities, and free time. This results in many of us feeling fearful, insecure, and unable to enjoy life fully expressed and free!
I am passionate about our collective need for healing so we can transform ourselves and society and live life with love, respect & support.
In these experiential sessions I will guide you to
Access your true self & live authentically
Unlock your creative energy & act to create the life you want now
Understand how the personal and the collective growth are connected
Realize that your personal body & mind health need everyday action starting today
The lack of access to your unique value and true self are not individually created problems, but collective.
We all suffer living in an upside-down world that doesn’t offer a supportive ground for every human, and we keep postponing acting on this, thinking it will not help our problems. I am here to tell you some news:
Realizing that most of us suffer in this world is the base & the key to making your personal healing path a permanent life-changing experience!
We can’t heal & deal with our problems if we don’t find the root of it, and the deeper root of all is growing up in an environment that lacks what we mostly need as humans; love, care, acceptance, respect, and freedom;
This is what we will create in our sessions to support your empowerment.
This unique, holistic, experiential & empowering program will give you the support you need to:
- EMPOWER the way you want to live starting now
- Establish your new fulfilling lifestyle for good
- Make peace with the parts of yourself you don’t like so much, Unlock their energy & use it creatively for empowering your new life!
- Recognize your needs & desires & learn to be creative & respectful when fulfilling them
- Expand your boundaries by knowing when to go for safety & when to take a risk to a new experience
- Explore experientially your position on basic aspects of human life (power, love, money, freedom, respect, trust, commitment, society, support, self-organization )that no one talks about & get access to transform how you want to be on each field
- Heal your wounds by going to their roots, discover your true self, & learn how to support yourself in your everyday life
- Realize that most of us experience suffering in this world, among other experiences & that you are not alone in this
- Combine your body & mind personal awareness with relational & social
- Establish YOUR new empowered lifestyle by expanding your powerful attitude to your micro-world & slowly to the global society!
It Feels So Good For Our True Self To Heal Ourselves & Our World At The Same Time!
Ready to get started?
Click the button to register or to ask for more info.
Self-organization is the key to harmonic & creative living by being present for yourself!

Self Organization
Self-organization means "I organize myself" This means that nobody else tells me how to organize myself, but myself. Based in gestalt theory, the organism knows the best for itself. In another word, we call this ability self-regulation of the organism. This...