About Me And My Unique & Holistic Practice

Hi, I’m Maira

Social Psychotherapist, Gestalt Therapist & Critical Sexologist


In my practice, I combine therapy, art & activism, so healing is creative and fun, plus a call for action to make this world a better place!

In Gestalt therapy, I found the best tool for self-transformation and helping others to transform themselves through deep awareness practice.


Maira Kountanni

My Mission

” To help you reclaim your life, purpose, energy and values, here and now! 

I am a third-generation Gestalt therapist from Fritz and Laura Perls. During my university studies in International Law, Economy & Relationships, I realised that being an activist was essential since I wanted to live in a world with peace, respect, and equality. In Gestalt therapy, I found the best tool for self-transformation and helping others to transform themselves through deep awareness practice.

I stay committed to my vision for Social transformation, so I practise Social Psychotherapy.

I know how this world works on a large scale and how a human works from inside out. The common point for action is to stop violence by choosing love & respect.

Maira Kountanni
Maira Kountanni

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