Love yourself & enjoy your sexuality

Our sexuality is not only about sex; it is our vital energy that energises our bodies every day!

It is the creative energy & lust for life!

In our patriarchal societies, we get shamed, guilted, or violated for being sexual beings and this has to stop right now if we want to be healthy in body, mind & spirit!

Healing our wounded sexuality is the key to enjoying everyday life!

to activate your limitless vital energy
& relate
authentically with yourselves & others!

Do you feel a lack of energy in your everyday life?

Do you have trouble in your personal relationships?

Is your sexual life not as fulfilling as you want?

Do you feel shame for the fact that you are a sexual being?

Do you have trouble being present in your sexuality?

Are your relationships suffering when your sexuality & vitality suffer?

This program is for you if

  • You are in a couple suffering from lack of peaceful communication, lack of a fulfilling sex life, or both
  • You are single & you are struggling with your desire to be in a couple & you feel lost in the dating process

Let me tell you a secret here: Everything is connected.

The Emotional

The Relational

The Sexual

And all their dysfunctions as well.

 The great news is that the solution also connects on all the levels.

This programme will help you to


Awaken your vital energy & creativity by reconnecting with your sexuality

Heal your relationship to yourself and others with empathy & playfulness & joy

Enjoy your sex life as much as all the parts of your life!

Create the relationships you want

Master self-confidence, honesty & clarity in expression

Life is so exciting when you are connected with your vital energy every day!

Would you like to unlock your vitality & excitement now and forever?

Register nowFind out more

In this course you will master how to

  • Love Yourself & Find Inner Balance
  • Enjoy Peaceful & Truthful Connections & Relationships
  • Activate the 3 types of Love
  • Heal & Avoid Hurtful Behavioural Patterns
  • Be Familiar With your Sexual Biology & Body
  • Balance & Heal Patriarchy Inside & Around you
  • Enjoy your vitality every day
  • Be a conscious sexual partner
  • Be present to your experience at  every moment of your life


This is an experiential online programme divided in 10 sessions
  1. Session – From Clinical Sexology to Critical sexology 
  2. Session – How to master the inner healing of patriarchy
  3. Session – How to create healing relationships 
  4. Session – Exploring Awareness of intimacy & sexuality 
  5. Session – Exploring Awareness on the connection of motherhood, relating & sex
  6. Session – Accessing Awareness of Holistic Sexuality
  7. Session 7. Mastering Holistic Sexuality for vital energy
  8. Session – Accessing Awareness of Conscious Sexuality
  9. Session – Master your own Conscious Sexuality
  10. Session – Conscious Sexuality as a guide to your sex life

Would you like to unlock your vitality & excitement now and forever?

If you feel you are often holding back your natural expression, life force, vitality, energy, and excitement, so that others don’t feel threatened by it, but you are sick of not living your life fully, then welcome to this training!


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